Borderland Atlantis, 2013-15
Web site, documentation
A two-year project of cross-border cooperation between partners from Poland, Lithuania and Russia. This involved young people in a series of creative workshops in three locations – Sejny, Kėdainiai and Kaliningrad – exploring the cultural heritage of the region, the in-between locations, landmarks and landscapes. They created materials for publications, exhibitions and presentations. These aimed at raising awareness about the neighbours on the other side of the border, the cultures of national minorities and religious traditions of dialogue and tolerance of this Polish-Lithuanian-Russian triangle. For the participants, the programme provided opportunities for education, travel and networking with partners in other countries, while reinforcing their identity and ties with the region and the place from which they came. The website provided an English language guide to the region, as well as a record of the activity for the duration of the project and a further five years.
Partners: Regional Museum in Kedainach, Lithuania; Kaliningradski association of writers, Kaliningrad; Centre Borderland of Arts, Cultures and Nations, Sejny.
Supported by the Lithuania-Poland-Russia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013, co-financed with funds of European Union.