International School of Dialogue, 2012-14
Web blog, documentation, training
The first edition of the International Summer School of Dialogue took place at Krasnogruda, in the Podlaskie region of north-eastern Poland, with participants from Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine and Poland. Thirty-six participants, four workshop leaders, two facilitators of documentation – all working together for seven intense days in three languages, mainly based at the International Centre for Dialogue – offering 70 hours of activities, presentations, discussions and sharing of practice.
The following year, the second edition had over 40 participants from these countries – a diverse range of cultural animators and practitioners. They worked with Jean Pierre Deru from Association Marcel Hicter based in Brussels; Anna Danilewicz, from the Army Museum in Bialystok; Chris Keulemans, artistic director of the Tolhuistuin, a new multi-art venue in Amsterdam; Willemijn Lamp, founder and co-director of a new literature festival in Amsterdam: Read My World; Krzysztof Czyżewski, one of the founders of Borderland. Follow up local workshops were delivered in the autumn in Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia to develop concrete project proposals which were subject to competitive selection – then five projects were awarded funding and delivered in 2014.
The live project documentation offered both a record of the training activity and a model of practice. This has now been condensed to three useful documents to download - good models of practice for anyone interested in effective training for culture workers.
Supported by the Polish development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.